BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) in Germany is a course with 3 to 3.5-years of duration offered by numerous private and public universities. Bachelor in Business Administration is generally offered as a BSc or BA degree in Germany.
In order to apply for a Studienkolleg course in Germany follow these steps
Prior to everything else, you must check if your school-leaving certificate in your home country is recognized at German universities. Go to the university’s website and see their entry requirements section.
There you can get information regarding this issue. Normally, a university will determine exactly what type of qualifications it accepts. If your qualification is not listed there, then you have to sit for a preparatory course.
Now that you know you have to undertake a foundation degree course before being admitted you must find a proper Studienkolleg and a suitable course.
At this point you might be asking yourself (quite reasonable indeed): Is my chosen university where I will attend my Studienkolleg?
Well, it depends. Though a majority of universities run these courses on their own there are several which don’t. Some universities like the University of Stuttgart requires their incoming foreign students to attend a preparatory course at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) or at the Ruprecht Karls University Heidelberg. Moreover, there are private organizations that organize Studienkolleg courses separated from any university.
Entry requirements vary greatly among different prep colleges for international students in Germany. For that, you need to check the requirements on the Studienkolleg’s website and mail them if needed.
The following documents are mainly required to apply for a Studienkolleg
After you have collected all the documents as required it’s time to submit your application. You can run your application online or by post. Note that you cannot apply directly to the Studienkolleg except if it is a private institution. If the Studienkolleg is governed by your University, you must apply through it.
The online application can be made through the German universities’ online application platform There are few universities that don’t participate in this platform but instead have their personal online application systems.
Pay extra attention to application deadlines as late applications are not admitted. Commonly, application deadlines for a Studienkolleg are:
To be permitted to come and study in Germany as a non-EU student, you have to take a student visa in advance. Once you have applied for the Studienkolleg in Germany and received an acceptance letter you are eligible to seek a student visa which would enable you to travel to Germany and seek your university degree.
To enter a Studienkolleg course in Germany you have to satisfy a certain level of knowledge in core subjects related to the intended regular course. You are expected to show this by sitting on an entrance exam that tests your overall knowledge and skills in those subjects.
The entrance examination is not supposed to be that hard. It mainly intends to identify your major struggles in language and other important subjects. At the end of the preparatory course, you’ll sit on an assessment test which will show the improvement you’ve made during the Studienkolleg course. If you don’t show excellent improvement you won’t be given a place at the University.
German universities possess a list of qualifications that are equivalent to those qualifications set in the German education system. Check the university’s website and their entry requirements section to find if the qualification you possess makes you eligible to apply directly to a regular course or not. If you cannot find this information we suggest you mail the university or education authorities in Germany.
These are some foreign degrees recognized by German universities
You need to have at least a B1 level of the German language.
Studienkolleg is a free foundation course in Germany, but it depends on your Studienkolleg. If the university you want to study is public and offers preparatory courses independently, then no fees are applied. However, you still need to pay the student semester contribution.
Your university.
Yes, you can, but it’s not preferred. Normally, you must have excellent knowledge of numerous subjects and the final exam is not that easy. With that in mind, we highly recommend you to attend the course before sitting for the entrance exam.
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